Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Into Exercise for Vargas


Into Exercise for Vargas

Dear America, Notes of an Undocumented Citizen by Jose Antonio Vargas

Pre-reading.  Start a new section in your notes for our memoir and then jot down some notes on the following questions to get yourself warmed up for reading our memoir:

1.  Have you heard of this book or author before?  Why this title?  What might the title be saying?

Who is he writing to?  Why the fingerprint?



2.  How would you define what it means to be an American?  What makes a person a citizen?



3.  What are you hearing from the media today about immigration and or immigrants?  Is America a nation of immigrants today?  Why or why not?


Now, read the "Prologue" and the "Note to Readers"

4.  What does he say this book is about?  What is at the book's core?



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