Tuesday, February 22, 2022

not black not white


1.Chapter of Dear America: Not Black. Not White.
2.Summarize the events in that chapter. The chapter is about how Vargas fits in, or really doesn’t fit with the racial environment. Even though he attended a minority-majority school, he felt out of place because for Vargas, it was hard adapting to an environment that really emphasized on your racial makeup.
3.Explain how those events connect to your theme.
a.Who is involved? What does each person do/say? This chapter was really just about Vargas and the community around him. Throughout the chapter, Vargas would mention how one racial group would compare itself to another. Like how other Filipinos would ask him, “Why are you acting so black?”(20)
b.How do their actions affect other people? All this talking about race for Vargas really made Vargas feel out of place. Especially when it came to hot topics like the O.J. Simpson trial
4.Define that theme: What does it look like? Why is it important? To whom is it important?

The theme I chose was Sacrifice. This chapter is important to my theme because this was one of the sacrifices Vargas made, even though it seems little. The sacrifice he had to do was to give up some of or all of his Filipino way of life, one that didn’t emphasized on race. This chapter can also be connect to asslimilation because Vargas had to adapt to this new environment he now lives in.


Will quotes outlaw John Dillinger as having said: "The problem with living outside the law is that you no longer have the protection of it." In fact, the quote is from Truman Capote, who actually said: "The problem with living outside the law is that you no longer have its protection."https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2554692/trivia


Here is a Word version, if you find it easier to use than the text box: A PIE on Vargas Word file.docx 


This is a draft for a possible body paragraph (PIE) for the Vargas essay.  You are starting to build a PIE for your essay.  Your post will be in paragraph form with all of these points below.

  1. What is ONE theme you are interested in at this point?  ______________________________.
  2. Now, what do you want to PROVE about this theme?  Why do you think it’s important?  In other words why are you glad that Vargas presents it to us?  (This will be your “P" so make sure it's arguable and interesting, and it goes beyond fact, beyond just that it is present in the book)
  3. What from the text speaks to this theme?  Include at least 2 quotes here with page numbers in the correct format. Remember to introduce each quote and briefly analyze it afterwards, before presenting the next quote to your reader. (This will be your Information)
  4. What can be learned from both of these quotes, when considered together?  What's being suggested from them?  What do certain words or phrases imply? (This will be your Explanation)

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