Saturday, March 19, 2022

Point1 happiness PIE

 PIE #1 for Happiness REVISED Essay (2 pages)

What are you proving about factor #1? 

Why is it essential in creating a contented life?

Info Define or describe factor # 1

Introduce the 


Quote Itself




What do words in 



How does quote 

support (prove) 


 In “5 ways Giving is Good for you” by Jason Marsh and Jill Suttie 

stating in the article that “A 2008 study by Harvard Business School of 

Professor Michael Norton and colleagues found that giving money to 

someone else lift participants’ happiness more that spending it on 


 I believe that giving charities and helping other people’s needs it’s 

motivated by genuine warm feelings. This quotes support that helping 

others make us happy that benefits our own mental health and 


Explain why we need factor #1

Introduce the 


Quote Itself




What do words in 



How does quote 

support (prove) 


 “Six ways happiness is good for your health”Kira Newman written in the 

article that”Happiness and good health go hand in hand . Indeed ,scientific 

studies have been finding that happiness can make our hearts healthier ,our 

immune system stronger,and our lives longer”

 A healthy immune system is important .This quote support that explore 

the way of being happy keep you healthier.Being happy promote overall 

happiness time essay

Please submit your outline for the Happiness Essay - Timed. This assignment is due TONIGHT (Monday for EWRT 1AS.01 and Tuesday for EWRT 1AS.02).

Remember that the only complete sentence in your outline is the THESIS statement.

All other entries in your outline must be short bullet points. 

Your outline should include your ideas for the:

  • Intro
  • Thesis
  • Body Paragraph 1 (use bullet points for the PIE format)
  • Body Paragraph 2 (use bullet points for the PIE format)
  • Conclusion

NOTE: Essays that have significant amounts copied from the outlines verbatim or close to verbatim will lose a lot of points.

Assignment LockedAvailability DatesAvailable until Feb 9

vargas pie essay

 For this potential paper the writer is focusing on 3 themes.  The following would come at the end of the introduction.  It is the question that leads to the thesis + the thesis.  (You have a model intro in "Model Vargas Intro."). You can see how thesis represents ALL the Ps and takes a stance.

What can Vargas informative and brave memoir provide its readers? [Question that leads to thesis]  Through the guidance that he gives in his memoir Vargas becomes a bold, uplifting voice for unrepresented, undocumented immigrants.  By also sharing his journey of how hiding took a serious toll on him, but how it ultimately led to him to discover that being a citizen does not involve having the proper legal documents, Vargas gets us to think long and hard about our immigrations system.  [THESIS]

Ps in nutshell form:

P = his bravery/boldness inspires

P = how brutal hiding is, how people don’t realize its seriousness

P = he is a contributing member of society, an impressive citizen

happiness essay discussion


A) Although happiness is depicted among most industrialized societies pertaining to a higher income or status, throughout the film there's a recurring theme of happiness being obtained through various factors; in which none relate to wealth or status. Accordingly, happiness is essentially built upon social connections (friends or family), gratitude, compassion, love, and dopamine (which can be obtained through different methods). Given that humans are determined as "social creatures" in the film, it's necessary for people to interact, and these interactions thus promote happiness which results in living longer, satisfactory, or even meaningful lives. However, the film depicts the reality of detachment with humans in more modern societies leading to an unhappy "competent" nonetheless type of life, such as Japan focusing entirely on modernizing until the workers end up overworking themselves to death, as opposed to the nation of Bhutan in which GDP is put aside and gross domestic happiness is the center of focus. Overall the film highlights distinctive forms of happiness or rather the approaches in achieving such a tangible, yet overlooked upon feeling.

B) Intriguingly, it's apparent that extrinsic and intrinsic goals/values both contributed to happiness, however, extrinsic goals opposed that of the intrinsic goals. Despite the extrinsic values of praise, money, status, and image contributing to someone's happiness, it's just a brief occurrence. Whilst intrinsic goals such as, growth, relationship, and community have the long term impact towards happiness. In regard to these ideas, i've noticed some people strive to achieve a high income job to build a "good" life for themselves, however, in Asian cultures there's a confucuis piety that keeps family the main focus. Although everyone on my father's side work for their status or income and don't depend on each other, on my mother's side everyone who has immigrated give most of their income to their family back in  the Philippines and this promotes their happiness as they are aware their family is being supported. Nevertheless, I feel if these values weren't in my family, they would lie on the spectrum of feeling less gratified and therefore remain sad.

D) Back when i was in economics, i recall memories early in the course in which everyone in class was asked the subjective question "can money buy happiness?" During that time, I still thought to myself "no," however, it came to my suprise the amount of students who stated "yes". In response to the film, it appears evident that money can buy materials which bring joy, although this is only a brief excitement. The spectrum of happiness is too vast to be undermined by just materialist means or money, it actually lies within attachment to our mind and feelings through our acts, relationships not for ourselves, but others (as happiness is never prominent among selfishness). -> the neurotransmitters and hormones are on a whole other spectrum to discuss upon...

The struggle of undocument immigrant



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Last Name .......


Name              :          ...........................

Name              :          ------------------------

Course Name :           EWRT1AS

Date                :          ...................................


The struggle of undocumented Immigrant

             Vargas had separation his mother when he immigrated to the US. In “Dear America” the book that written by Jose Antonio Vargas “To take immigration, especially unauthorized, “illegal” immigration, out of merit-based,” “good immigration” v. “bad immigration”, “Less deserving v. more deserving” framework”(116). For the sake of his better future, he had separation with his mom and came to the United States without knowing that using fraudulent travel documents arranged by his grandparents. Vargas had sacrificed his life he had not only been separated from his mother, but also from himself. The pain of feeling separation is uneasy as a young kid but whenever he missed his mom, he can only to make himself relief by making phone call and writing a letter to his mom. Though he knew that his mom was sad the only way he could made his mom happy in return as being a good student and get a good grade. While at the Crittenden Middle School he was giggled by his classmate because of his Tagalog thick accent but he was eager to learn and trying to make himself successful more than his academic subject.

Inconsolably ,another trauma of his life was occurred when he was trying to apply the driver license unfortunately, he found out that his documents were fake he was turned out illegal. In the article of “Dear America “Jose Antonio Vargas mentioned that “Being “illegal” translated to limitation of what my life was and what it could be”. I can feel how he had faced difficulties and struggling for staying as undocumented immigrant. Undocumented issue is a major problem because they had faced a lot of problem such as lack of employment opportunities, limitation of assess medical benefit, limitation of travel. They had faced a lot of emotional distress every day because they worried about deportation if they got caught. Always felt unsecure. Vargas was felt devastated. Although he found out about being illegal immigrant he did not give up on the situation and trying to move on to achieve his academic goal. Vargas had grown up and keeping secret about his undocumented immigrant status struggling for his life to success. With the support of his second family and friend he was trying very hard finally  he can able to entering the field of journalism. He made himself and his carrier success, finally he became famous journalist. I was really impressed Vargas that he proved himself even though he did not have legal documentation he was trying to stand himself achieve his academic and career goal. We need to learn these good sample of Vargas he did not gave up and how he courage himself and trying to success in his career life.

 “Dear America” Jose Antonio Vargas stating in the article that “Whoever falsely and willfully represent himself to be citizen of the United States shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both” (71). Although he was aware the penalty and charges, he was no other choice and break the law unwillingly. He knew that might be exacerbated for someone. While applying a job Vargas had faced another struggle that he still had to lie to secure the job, the lies had built up one after another being out of his control, he feels a sort of disappointment and guilty having to lie at times even though he was not willing to do so. Although it is not acceptable for the use of someone’s identity information, he had no other choice to lie and get a job.  He was not meant to break the law, but he had to choose to survive and move on his life so that he had to neglect the consequences and solve his undocumented immigrant problem.

The generosity of others made him realize he wanted to be correct his way of trusting people along the way of his assimilation to American society. Vargas was trying himself to be a good human being not only to correct himself but also wanted to help who had the same situation liked him as undocumented immigrants. He aware that he could get caught and deportation. Although he knew the consequences and danger, he had scarified himself to reveal his identity and speak up for undocumented immigrant. Although Vargas did not have the legal documentation belatedly he was trying himself to achieve the career and also trying to stand up and speak up for all the fellow undocumented immigrants. He showed himself as a good sample to the fellow undocumented immigrants even though he did not have the proper documentation how to struggle attained every opportunity and stand up for his life. I am really impress and proud for Vargas also I have learn a lot of lesson and courage from Vargas.



Graphics organizer 4


“Happy” Documentary


• Fill in the information you learned from the documentary.
• Provide details for the names, terms, places provided AND fill in more details from the movie.



Regular People + Events




Manoj Singh







Louisiana Bayou

Roy Blanchard, Sr.

P. Read Montague

Gregory Burns



Ronaldo Fadul





Daniel Gilbert


Texas Ranch

Melissa Moody

Richard Davidson




Tim Kasser






Japan (Tokyo)

Hiroko Uchina




Dasho Kinely Dorji

Nic Marks







Okinawa Island, Japan




Benicia Middle School


Michael Pritchard



San Bushmen

Dalai Lama











Home for the Dying and Destitute

Andy Wimmer





Graphics organizer PIE4

 Graphic Organizer for Essay #4:  Happiness Essay REVISED

Introduction Brainstorming

What is your definition of happiness? How do you see it, and how do others see it?






What are the sources you like (from the course readings or film)? Why do you like them?







List a few important terms to introduceWhy does your reader need to know their meanings?






Which overall questions or ideas inspired your thinking for this essay? Explain. 

NOTEDo not merely list questions, but explain your initial ideas for answering them, so  your introduction will “funnel, or narrow down, to your thesis.








Thesis Brainstorming

The Central Question: 

What are the 3-4 most important factors people can adapt or pursue in their lives to make sure they are living happily? AND why are these the most important components for our happiness?



Your Thesis

The 3-4 most important factors for living happily are:

(Include the new 1-2 factors you are adding for the REVISED essay)


Why? For each factor you listed, write a 1-2 sentence explanation of why it is important.


Now combine all of these into 1-2 sentences. 

Use joining words and appositives to help include so much information.






See Next Page for PIE #1

PIE # 1


What are you proving about factor #1

Why is it essential in creating a contented life?






Define or describe factor # 1

Introduce the Quote


Quote Itself

Use MLA format!













What do words in quote suggest/mean?


How does quote support (prove) Point?



Explain why we need factor #1

Introduce the Quote


Quote Itself

Use MLA format!


















What do words in quote suggest/mean?


How does quote support (prove) Point?



• What do certain words or phrases suggest about your point? 
• What does each piece of evidence imply? 
• What do we learn overall from your support in this PIE? 
• Why is it important to make your claim?





See Next Page for PIE #2


PIE # 2


What are you proving about factor #2

Why is it essential in creating a contented life?






Define or describe factor # 2

Introduce the Quote


Quote Itself

Use MLA format!













What do words in quote suggest/mean?


How does quote support (prove) Point?



Explain why we need factor #2

Introduce the Quote


Quote Itself

Use MLA format!














What do words in quote suggest/mean?


How does quote support (prove) Point?



• What do certain words or phrases suggest about your point? 
• What does each piece of evidence imply? 
• What do we learn overall from your support in this PIE? 
• Why is it important to make your claim?






See Next Page for PIE #3


PIE # 3


What are you proving about factor #3

Why is it essential in creating a contented life?








Define or describe factor # 3

Introduce the Quote


Quote Itself

Use MLA format!













What do words in quote suggest/mean?


How does quote support (prove) Point?



Explain why we need factor #3

Introduce the Quote


Quote Itself

Use MLA format!














What do words in quote suggest/mean?


How does quote support (prove) Point?



• What do certain words or phrases suggest about your point? 
• What does each piece of evidence imply? 
• What do we learn overall from your support in this PIE? 
• Why is it important to make your claim?